I recently enjoyed a meal that I had been planning for months. A meal made from ethical, frugal and sustainable meat that would have otherwise gone to waste. The slow-cooked stew was nourishing, delicious and proudly served to my family. The key ingredient? Roadkill kangaroo. Read more →
July 2014
We recently had a week where everything went wrong. The washing machine broke, our hot water system died, we ran out of gas, and to top it all off we ran out of water. A few years back, each one of these events alone would have been enough to leave me panicking. But this time was different. It seems living in a shed last year toughened us. I suspect that we are all a little tougher than we think we are – and realising that is a powerful thing. Read more →
We are faced with endless distractions and information overload, and are constantly connected to our digital devices. This continuous connection, and distraction, is one of the major contributors to an epidemic of "overwhelm". Brigid Schulte, author of Overwhelmed: Work, Love, and Play When No One Has the Time, provides a well-researched overview of the causes and consequences of overwhelm. One of the culprits is what time-use researchers call "contaminated time". I share one of my solutions to creating time free from contamination. Read more →