Summer was....
Monday, 04 March 2013
Summer 2012/13 was the season we finally started living full time at our little farm.
I'll be honest - it's been a pretty crappy three months.
I didn't take pictures of all the hard stuff - like the bucket baths, heating and carting water to do the dishes, getting bogged, trying to work from home without a telephone, traipsing to the outdoor dunny in the dark and rain, the creepy crawlies, and roasting in our uninsulated shed home.
So here's a mostly one-sided picture of life at our little farm so far. Because really, who wants to dwell on the crappy stuff.
We've created a few play spaces for Little Eco. A friend gifted us a preloved cubby house and it's become her favourite place to hang out.
We've hung a tree swing nearby.
There's also been plenty of nature inspired play. Little Eco raised a batch of frogs from eggs collected from our dam and enjoyed releasing over 40 Fergus's (Ornate Burrowing Frogs) back to our dam.
Dam surfing became a favourite after school activity.
We've tried to make our shed home as homely as possible.
But no matter how cosy I make it, it's still a shed.......with creepy crawlies.
Mice, lizards, ants and hunstman spiders are all regular visitors.
I can handle these - but what I can't handle is what I encountered recently.
A funnel web spider! I caught him about to crawl under our outdoor dunny. Check out the size of those fangs!
I was a tad disturbed and concerned - especially after reading that a child can be dead 15 minutes after being bitten and that 'During an attack the funnel-web spider generally maintains a tight grip on its victim and bites repeatedly, making it an especially traumatic experience for humans who are bitten'. That last sentence has been on my mind far too often.
Then - on the very same day - I encountered a brown snake in our shed home.
Too cruel!
I wasn't impressed and very soon after spat the dummy and booked a room in a farm stay.
I spent hours on Gumtree that night, determined to find a caravan that we could convert into a creepy crawly proof bedroom - and I found her.
We're thrilled with her and can't wait to turn her into a tiny home. I'll share some more 'before' pics shortly.
So that was Summer. Autumn is going to be better. I can feel it.
How was your Summer?