Pallet dreaming...
I’ve given up (sort of) and am moving onto adaptation…

Creative drawing for kids..on a trampoline?

We're still TV free and loving it. Although, we did drag it out briefly over the weekend, as a reward at the end of a long play-filled day. Thankfully Little Eco accepted the TV was a treat and was happy to see it go back into hiding at the end of a movie.

It seems painting and drawing were 'in' last week. Little Eco soon tired of painting on paper so we progressed to painting on our glass sliding doors (with a paint made out of flour, food colouring and water). We also tried drawing on fabric. I traced around her body on a opp-shop sheet, and she coloured herself in with fabric crayons.

Yesterday she was using chalk on her blackboard...but it just looked too small. I momentarily thought of using our footpath, but I wasn't in the mood for sitting out front. Looking around for something big for her to draw on I spotted the trampoline....

Why hadn't I noticed this wonderful big canvas before? Little Eco loved the freedom of having so much space to draw on and was drawing until the sun set. And the beauty of drawing on the get to jump on your artwork. 


Next I want to try painting in the bath and also onto paperbark. Anyone have any other creative drawing or painting ideas? What unusual canvas have your kids drawn on.

For more play inspiration head on over to Childhood 101 for this weeks We Play.

And for those of you who are wondering 'whats someone who is supposedly passionate about sustainable living doing with a big new trampoline in her backyard?'. It was probably our hardest purchase since i've become slightly obsessed with sustainable living...but we decided it was a must-have to make up for having a small back-yard. We considered buying second hand - but decided not to for something where safety is so important. So we tried to make the best out of a not very green purchase. We wanted to buy as local as possible to reduce its transport carbon footprint and valued quality over price in the hope that years down the track we can pass it onto another child for reuse, rather than it ending up in landfill. We found a good quality made-in Australia brand that made me feel better about the purchase (although it seems the company has recently changed its name, so i'm not sure if they are still Australian-made?). And in the scheme of things....jumping is fun... and I figure the good and the bad all balance out in the end - hopefully ;-)
